Courses and certifications AI

Automation of document processing using AI

12.500 CZK

Price (without VAT)

31. 7. 2024
29. 8. 2024
24. 10. 2024

The course "Automation of Document Processing using AI" provides a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence and document processing automation. Participants will gain knowledge ranging from the basics of OCR technologies to practical skills in text processing and analysis. The course also introduces and commercial AI systems, including their utilization and practical examples. Integration of AI into enterprise systems and best practices for deploying AI solutions are key topics covered in the course. Participant discussions and questions are welcomed, ensuring an interactive and practical approach to the subject.

Target Audience:

  • IT professionals
  • Software developers
  • Data analysts
  • Project managers in IT

Course Objectives:

  • Provide participants with a solid foundation in artificial intelligence and optical character recognition (OCR), emphasizing principles and practical applications.
  • Offer practical skills in natural language processing (NLP) through demonstrations on specific examples and the use of the TXTAI framework.
  • Teach the use of and its tools, models, and capabilities, providing practical knowledge for working with this platform.
  • Explain and demonstrate the procedures for integrating artificial intelligence into existing enterprise systems, including sharing best practices and overcoming practical challenges associated with this process.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to AI and Document Processing Automation:

    • Overview of AI and its role in today's world
    • Overview of document processing automation
    • Typical applications and case studies
  • Basics of OCR Technologies:

    • Principles of OCR
    • Overview of popular tools and libraries (Tesseract, etc.)
    • Demonstrative examples: Extracting text from images, content recognition
  • Text Processing and Analysis:

    • Introduction to NLP (Natural Language Processing)
    • Demonstration of basic principles on the TXTAI framework
    • Practical demonstration
  • - Basics:

    • What is and how to use it
    • Overview of options and tools on
    • Overview of models and how to use them
    • Practical demonstration
  • Commercial AI Systems, Practical Use, API:

    • Copilot
    • Azure Cognitive Service
    • IBM Watson
    • Other systems
    • Practical examples of use
    • Practical pitfalls and challenges
    • Practical demonstration
  • Integration of AI into Enterprise Systems:

    • Overview of AI integration into existing systems
    • Best practices for deploying AI solutions
    • Practical demonstration
  • Discussion and Q&A:

    • Overview of AI integration into existing systems
    • Best practices for deploying AI solutions
    • Practical demonstration

Technical Requirements:

  • Computers with internet access

Participant Prerequisites:

  • Basic programming knowledge (preferably Python)
  • Basics of working with data.

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